Kim Berelowitz, Psychologist
About Positive Steps
About Positive Steps
About Kim Berelowitz
HDIP ED, BA Psychology and Education, BA Counselling and Psychology, Master of Professional Psychology (Curtin University)
Kim was a special education teacher for 15+ years, during this time, Kim became aware of how psychological interventions impacted students, and saw how these influenced not only their educational goals, but also their future socialisation, and ability to feel a valued member of the community. Kim decided to formally retrain as a psychologist to offer the range of interventions that she knew could be the turning points for many individuals.
Kim has an easy rapport with people, their families and other health practitioners. Kim understands and speaks the language of educators, enabling her to gain early buy-in from schools to deliver pragmatic and sustainable interventions. Kim takes a holistic view to supporting her clients, offering a tailored, family centric approach that forges collaborative pathways between all stakeholders. Bringing all parties along the treatment journey, Kim ensures that the client leads their own recovery, and that interventions consider the entire client context, and include small achievable goals towards a realistic outcome.